Sunday, March 19, 2006

Cowering Dems who FAIL to support CENSURE, Disqualify themselves as presidential candidates.....

Gentle reader, the ongoing documentation of the Cowering Democrats is now coming so fast and furious, that it is difficult to keep pace. EVERY DAY we learn that more and more Americans want MEANINGFUL MEASURES taken to RESTRAIN the awful and, yes, CRIMINAL tendencies of George W. Bush and his rouge government. Every day the news about Bush's dismal leadership becomes 'awfuler and awfuler' - EVEN WITH the "mainstream media" doing their full-court presss to supplicate the crown.... and BASH any Democrats who do voice any outrage or resistance.

And therein lies the problem: the Senate Dem. "leadership" TAKES THEIR ORDERS from those media-press flunkies who are still kissing bush's ring.

Clearly, there is no longer a single 'STATESMAN" left in the US Senate. Senator Feingold, Senator Harkin, and Senator Boxer may lay some claim to that title, based on their support of the CENSURE vote against George W. Bush's illegal spying and data-mining of Americans, but the CENSURE bill in and of itself is a fairly mild act, and does not yet rise to the level of "Statesmanship." Other Senate Dems may once have laid claim to the title of "Statesman", having guided their party through turmoil in decades past, but they are becoming long-in-tooth and unable to prosecute a vigorous counter/resistance to the Bush regime's ongoing follies, rather like the senior French generals were swept aside by Hitler's young and hungry Wermacht during the fall of France, 1940. (Senators Kennedy and Byrd come to mind. Lord knows we respect the contribution of these senators; but now Kennedy can not even sign on to the Censure resolution, and Byrd went one worse, voting FOR Bush's reauthorization of the un-PATRIOT act.)

Once again, OpEdNews (.com) leads the pack with a clear, concise, intelligent, and non-rambling expose of a very simple issue- can the Democratic "leadership" PROVIDE SOME OPPOSITION to Mr. Bush's administration, OR NOT?!

And we don't mean "TOKEN, MEANINGLESS opposition," like going through the formality of a vote that will be bulldozed on party lines by the Repuglican majority.. we mean, TAKING A MEANINGFUL POSITIOIN, and DOING YOUR DAMNDEST to GET OUT THERE and GET AMERICAN VOTERS - and especially Democratic voters - BEHIND YOU!

It is still amazing, the FEINGOLD CENSURE RESOLUTION is not the first "NO COST" bill or resolution the Democrats would PREFER TO COWER and SCURRY TO THEIR RAT-HOLES about, than form the basis of an defensive/offensive position.

#1. on that hit parade (wining bills that the Dems RETREAT from), would be the Senator Patty MURRAY AMENDMENT, to provide $2.7 billion ("B" as in 'billion') for VETERAN's REHAB for returning Iraq War veterans.

Sure, this bill was DEFEATED ON PARTY LINE VOTES, with ALL Democratic Senators voting FOR it.


WHY Do Senate Dems. LET it LIE FALLOW, LET the Media IGNORE IT, ALLOW the Bush junta to BURY it under a pile of duplicitous, lying votes and Repuglican rhetoric??

answer: because that is what our Democratic Senators do. They ALLOW Bush-Repuglican BULLYING at EVERY STEP OF THE WAY. Lies to War. 9-11 Commission whitewash. TORTURE. KANGAROO COURTS for enlisted men and women following Rusmfeld's TORTURE ORDERS. (In the cases of Sabrina Samson and Lynddie England, neither of these volunteer privates was even accused of hurting (much less killing) any prisoners under their 'guard' - they are BOTH SERVING LONG SENTENCES from Rumsfeld's KANGAROO COURTS, while officers who ORDERED guard-dog attacks, beatings, severe abuses, and even murders of prisoners, HAVE BEEN PROMOTED.) DIEBOLD VOTE FRAUD. Katrina INCOMPETENCE and CRONY CORRUPTION. ENRON FRAUD and massive corruption. (President Bush snatched ENRON EXECUTIVE Thomas White from the very jaws of the Enron scandal, to appoint him as SECRETARY OF THE ARMY, where White could institutionalize Enron-style FRAUD in letting out huge Army "privatization" contracts- and the Senate Dems DEMURRED!)

LONG before the CENSURE resolution came by, our Dem. Senate "leaders" DEFINED THEMSELVES AS PREFERING TO COWER IN A CORNER vs. going out and EXPOSING the criminal conduct of the Bush administration on the above issues.

That is why "" is a necessary (if unhappy) blog. The MURRAY AMENDMENT ALONE, is a NO-LOOSE proposition for the Democrats- not only would it portray THEM AS HEROES STANDING UP in "SUPPORT OF THE TROOPS," but it would honestly portray Mr. Bush and his Repuglicans as NOT_SUPPORTING_THE_TROOPS.

Again, the Dem. senate would PREFER TO COWER, than STAND UP AND FIGHT BACK.... even on "NO DOWNSIDE" issues like the toothless Censure bill, and the much needed Murray Amendment to actually SUPPORT THE TROOPS, and expose Mr. Bush as lying through his teeth, NOT supporting the troops.

(PS: this last point brings up another: by FAILING to LEAD.... by WAITING for the Republicans to DEFINE AN ISSUE... the doormat Democrats prep the way for future spite of their own party. But that is another post.)


Dems Senators Who Failed to Back Feingold's Censure Disqualified Themselves from '08 Pres Race
by Stephen Crockett
March 18, 2006

Most Democratic Senators Fail As Presidential Candidates
The Feingold resolution to censure Bush over illegal wiretapping is the single most important measure of qualification for 2008 Democratic Presidential candidates. The measure is incredibly mild. Democratic Senators should be calling for impeachment hearings for Bush and Cheney based on this issue. The failure of all other Democratic Senators to support the Feingold censure resolution completely disqualifies them to represent Democrats in the 2008 Presidential election in the opinion of Democratic Talk Radio.
The censuring of Bush over illegal wiretapping is supported by 70 percent of Democrats in the latest American Research Group poll on the issue. Independents are fairly evenly split. Only Republicans strongly oppose the censuring of Bush, although a significant Republican minority does support the measure. Senate Democrats with the exception of Senator Feingold are demonstrating a spineless character that shames Democratic activists everywhere.
A significant minority of Senate Democrats are routinely supporting the worst of Republican political positions. The few who voted in favor of the Alito Supreme Court nomination did serious disservice to America. The large number who scuttled the Alito filibuster attempt deserves to be condemned. The Senate Democrats who voted to renew the falsely named Patriot Act are shamed forever.
Senate Democrats who support Bush on Iraq, tax cuts for the wealthy, unfair bankruptcy tightening laws, Right Wing judicial nominations, trade agreements, etc. are not representing the majority views of Democratic voters. These Senate Democrats are doing a “Zell Miller-lite” politically to the disgust of Democrats everywhere. Democratic voters want leadership like that of Feingold from our representatives in the US Senate.
Senators Clinton, Edwards, Biden and Kerry do not deserve Democratic votes in either the Democratic Presidential Primaries or the 2008 General Election unless they quickly offer their public support for the Feingold censure resolution. Democratic Talk Radio will not support ant Presidential candidate who fails to at least support censure. We are actually looking for a Democratic Presidential candidate who supports impeachment hearings against Bush and Cheney.
The Corporate Media and inside the beltway hacks are buying the Republican line that censure is unjust or radical. Both spins are simply absurd wishful thinking. Comments against the Feingold censure resolution by Republican Senators like Specter, Frist and Sessions demonstrate intellectually dishonesty and a program of political disinformation planned at the highest levels of the Republican national leadership. Neither Senate Democrats nor Democratic commentators should be providing them with political cover. These Senate Republicans should be facing recall efforts in their home states based on their outrageous comments and positions regarding the illegal wiretapping by the Bush White House.
Senate Democrats clearly demonstrated their lack of courage after Al Gore gave his excellent speech condemning the excesses of the Bush Administration and defending American Constitutional protections. See: Al Gore: American Hero Speech Defending Constitutional Government . They should have rallied to support Gore’s positions immediately. They failed completely!
Democrats want the kind of leadership displayed by former Vice President Al Gore, DNC Chairman Howard Dean and Senator Russ Feingold. We do not wimps leading our Party or representing us in government! We are not afraid of a good fight with the forces of Bush Republicanism.
Senator Feingold has immediately become the Democrat to beat in the 2008 Democratic Presidential Primaries because of his leadership and courage on issue after issue. Will the timid nature of the other Democratic Presidential hopefuls completely doom their campaigns before they even make official announcements of candidacy?
Written by Stephen Crockett and Al Lawrence (hosts of Democratic Talk Radio ). Mail: P.O. Box 283, Earleville, Maryland 21919. Phone: 443-907-2367. Email: .
Please feel free to publish at no charge without prior permission.


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