Thursday, March 16, 2006

Where are the Democrats? Right- they're handing over more money and power to BushCo, without a peep of protest...

<< The Senate voted Thursday to allow the national debt to swell to nearly $9 trillion, preventing a first-ever default on U.S. Treasury notes.

The bill passed by a 52-48 vote. The increase to $9 trillion represents about $30,000 for every man, woman and child in the United States. The bill now goes to President Bush for his signature. >>

WHY don't the Democrats mention "BUSH DEFICTS" EACH and EVERY time they get in front of a camera, microphone, or have an op-ed letter published???

answer: "Why, that would be partisan. And besides, Karl Rove would unleash his Right-Wing attack dogs and Smear Boat Crew, like he did to the Clinton-Gore staffers in the fake "White House trashing scandal," or like he did to Max Cleland (Vietnam War triple amputee) comparing Senator Cleland to Saddam and Bin Laden (Cleland's photo sandwhiched between those other two in Georgia Repulbican TV campaign ads).

SO, the Democrats will CONTINUE TO WRITE A BLANK CHECK to Bush & Co., never mind the torture, never mind the busted treasury, never mind the crumbling infrastructure or unguarded ports, never mind the Veterans returning from war with inadequate rehabilitation and PTSD care (both Tim McVeign and the DC sniper were Gulf War1 combat veterans).

The Democrats are so PATHETIC at standing up for even THE EASY Stuff, that I can only mention the day's other news - a massive day of US bombings in Iraq, up to 500 sorties - in passing. WHO are we bombing? Baathists? Shiite militia? Sunni Al Qaida? We, the American consuming (news, oil, entertainment...) public DON'T KNOW.

What we DO know is that our Democratic "leaders" CONTINUE to give Donald Rumsfeld, the guy who was caught completely unawares by 9-11; the guy who overruled his generals who wanted to double the size of the US invasion force; the guy who instigated the TORTURE regime in Iraq (sending General Miller from Guantanamo to Iraq to do exactly that) while running Kangaroo Courts for low-level enlisted men and women caught on camera fulfilling his orders; the guy who left Al Qaaqa ammunition complex open and unguarded to looters; the guy who let looters and gangs roam the length and breadth of Iraq until militias formed/stepped in to provide a modicum of order; THAT GUY.

Well, our sheepish Democratic Senators, who can't even bring themselves to sign a symbolic Censure resolution about unlimited presidential spying on American citizens (the CENSURE vote would never pass a Republican controlled House or Senate) continue to Give Don Rumsfeld a BLANK CHECK: BOMB ALL YOU WANT! we'll continue to write bad-checks to cover the expense of making more bombs!"

US Launches Largest Iraq Air Assault Since 2003 “Shock And Awe”…
Associated Press | March 16, 2006 at 11:02 AM,0,4840742.story?coll=la-home-headlines

The United States on Thursday launched what was termed the largest air assault since the U.S.-led invasion, targeting insurgent strongholds north of the capital, the military said.

The U.S. military said Iraqi troops also were involved in the operation aimed at clearing a "suspected insurgent operating area northeast of Samarra."


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