Sunday, November 05, 2006

Laura Bush joins Republican bullying smear mobbers...

What can we say? The party of oligarchs, oiligarchs, kleptocrats, bible-thumping autocrats, Enron, Exxon, Abramoff, Cunningham, and DeLay.... The party that forces grandmothers to choose between their prescriptions and eating...

THAT party trots out multi-millionaire spouse Laura Bush to state that actor Michael J. Fox, who has had to give up a lucrative (and beloved) career in movies due to a crippling, debilitating disease, is "MANIPULATING FEELINGS" for committing the SIN of appearing before a video camera to cut a 50 second advertisement supporting stem cell medical research, and the political candidates who support that research.

Isn't there a parable, fable, or fairy-tale of the wicked sisters who begrudged the poor little girl here pittance, while they wallowed in abject greed and gluttony?

In this case, the Republican Party, WHICH MONOPPOLIZES "the mainstream media" and OUTSPENDS Democrats by three-to-one on campaign ads... SENDS OUT THE FIRST LADY to LAY A GUILT TRIP on an actor who has ALREADY LOST HIS CAREER, and is quickly losing control of his body, as "MANIPULATING FEELINGS" for (paraphrasing) 'political gain.'

Bartcop 1870.....
Friday, 3 Nov. 2006
(scroll about 1/5th down from top)

Laura Bush accused Michael J. Fox of "manipulating feelings" by using his Parkinson's Disease
to promote stem cell research. She is implying that people like Fox are faking it for political purposes.
Just like Christopher Reeves was faking being a quadrapleigic when he was promoting stem cell research?
My sister has been a diabetic for 40 years and I'm beginning to wonder if she might have been faking it for
political purposes too.

The stem cell issue is a fake issue put out there to sucker gullible evangelicals into feeling good about
themselves and give them another fake cause to keep them occupied. But the price of their moral
masturbation is that it denies valuable medical research for the rest of us.
My sister might not get a cure for Diabetes in her lifetime because Laura Bush is using stem cells
in a cheap political ploy. I want to encourage people to vote for stem cells, for Michale J. Fox,
Christopher Reeves, and for my sister who really is not faking Diabetes.


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