Monday, October 23, 2006

Someone SLAP the next damn Democrat to announce a "book tour"! And Nancy ______ while you're at it!

In one of this past week's previous posts, we mentioned how Senator Barbara Boxer was out stumping for... her new book release! A NOVEL about (what else) SEX and power! For most Americans that would be a WONDERFUL thing... but it just so happens that Barbara and her 43 other "Democrat" senators are ALL that stands between American voters and ANOTHER, MORE, continuously STOLEN elections.

"WHY?" we here at keep asking, can Democrats NOT find ANY OUTRAGE to express THIS ELECTION SEASON???????

Here it is just TWO SHORT WEEKS before what might be the most critical election of our lifetimes... what might be (not to be too dramatic) THE LAST ELECTION of American democracy.... and BARBARA BOXER is out SELLING_HER_NOVEL!

This is WORSE than JOHN KERRY GOING_ON_VACATION as soon as he had the Democrat nomination sewn up in 2004... at least Kerry took HIS vacation (as stupid, appalling, arrogant, blockheaded, and contemptuous as it was) from his desired job (of campaigning as the Democratic nominee for president), in the middle of summer, long before November rolled around.

BUT BOTH BARBARA BOXER in 2006, and JOHN KERRY in 2004 are effectively broadcasting a simple, inescapable message:
"THERE IS _NO_ PROBLEM HERE, EVERYONE who has money SHOULD TAKE A VACATION or go sell their SEX and power novel"!!!


And, from our very previous post (courtesy Arianna Huffington herself, someone who knows a thing or two about selling her own books and self promotion) we learn that Democratic "Great Black Hope" (not to be too cute) BARAK OBAMA CANNOT find the time to stump the campaign trail with Democratic Senate Nominee Ned Lamont... OBAMA IS TOO BUSY SELLING *HIS* BOOK!

And it gets WORSE! (aside): Obama is already reminding us of another pretty-boy senator, JOHN EDWARDS, who, despite conditions in his home state of North Carolina being RIPE for the type of Roosevelt-Truman-Kennedy-Johnson programs that helped win a world war, set America on the course of winning the Cold War, set America on course to put a man on the moon, and of course saved the Depression generation and also SAVED the returning W.W.II veterans with programs like the GI bill, Social Security, federally guaranteed housing loans, unemployment insurance, & etc. - DESPITE all that, John Edwards wouldn't have been able to win reelection as a dog catcher in North Carolina in 2004, and he sure 'n hell didn't deliver his state in the 2004 general election! We here at C-dems have no insider-scoop on this, but we get the general impression that the Junior Senator from North Carolina was taken under wing by the staff of the Senior Senator from North Carolina, who back then would just happen to be seriously ENTRENCHED Washington official curmudgeon Senator JESSE HELMS. Yes, indeed, we get the impression that Senator John Edwards got all of his DC political advice FROM THE STAFF OF one of the most RIGHT WING SENATORS in the entire Congress; and WE KNOW that Barak Obama got HIS tutelage from another former Democrat turned Republican, Senator JOE LIEBERMAN.

Undoubtedly, Barak Obama's BUSY BOOK SELLING SCHEDULE, and close ties to JOE LIEBERMAN, keep him FROM campaigning actively FOR THE DEMOCRATIC SENATE NOMINEE from Connecticut, Ned Lamont.

While we're at it (and making enemies) WHO THE HELL did MICHAEL JORDAN think he was, being "ABOVE POLITICS" when he refused an appearance with Jesse Helm's senate opponent HARVEY GANT, a successful Black (African-American) politician who lost a tough battle to Helms in 1990, and an even closer battle against Helms in 1996. I guess it would be cruel, cold, and crass for us here at C-dems to point out, THAT IF JESSE HELMS HAD HAD HIS WAY, MICHAEL JORDAN would NEVER HAVE HAD his place in the UNC Tarheels basketball team, would never have attended UNC at all.
<< In 1996, Helms drew 1,345,833 (52.6 percent) to Gantt's 1,173,875 (45.9 percent). >> (from Wikipedia's Helms bio)
By our primitive calculations, that is a difference of less than 200,000 votes in a state that considered Michael Jordan to be its greatest athlete and native son, but by dent of POWER OF SENIORITY (the perks and pork Helms could keep bringing home to N. Carolina) kept reelecting a Senator who, we confidently feel, would have JOINED with Miss. Senator Trent Lott in saying "The USA wouldn't be having these problems, if Strom Thurmond had won the election of '48!" at the head of the Dixiecrat [segregation today, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever) Party. (To be precise, Helms never said, exactly, any such comment as Lott was captured on video saying, at Thurmond's 100th birthday party. But, again, we know where Helms' sympathies lay... with Strom Thurmond and Trent Lott's vision of America!)

Well, we promised it would get worse, and MICHAEL JORDAN's preference for GAMBLING instead of EMPOWERING an underdog African-American senate candidate wasn't the "worse" we had in mind.

That would be FLORIDA Senator BOB GRAHAM, who sat on the SENATE INTEL COMMITTEE, and declared that he was not only suspicious, BUT DEEPLY DISTRESSED by the Bush administration's case for WAR AGAINST IRAQ (aka "wmd LIES_TO_WAR), but HELD his dismay close to his chest, citing the "TOP SECRET" nature of the information he was. Well, despite his doubts and his conscience, Senator Graham did NOT GO TO THE AMERICAN PUBLIC FORCEFULLY with his doubts about "fixed," exaggerated, or "cooked" intel being used to justify an invasion of Iraq. UNTIL, that is, the Senator HAD A BOOK TO SELL, about the time of the 2004 general election! We hate to beat up on the reputation of Bob Graham, but if he and a handful of other Democratic Senators had BANDED TOGETHER and CONFRONTED and OPPOSED the Bush-Rethuglican agenda way back in early 2001 (much less sitting on their hands as the Bush-Bush campaign STOLE the Florida electoral votes from Al Gore), then it WOULD NOT BE NECESSARY to publish!

And finally, just to finish out this rather horrid post, how can we forget House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, who according to some audio excerpts on the Big Ed Shultz radio show today ( was "BLIND-SIDED" by an interview question about "impeaching President Bush".

IF Nancy Pelosi is "BLIND-SIDED" by a question that is BURNING in the hearts of MILLIONS of Democratic voters... SHE HAS _NO_ right being "the Democratic LEADER" of the House! We're not saying that she has to agree that impeachment is the most pressing priority of the moment... SHE JUST SHOULD BE PREPARED FOR THE QUESTION!!!!!!!

(Big Ed had the perfect politico answer that Pelosi could have used, "No, I don't think impeachment is the top priority of the next Congress, BUT WE WILL SEE WHAT THE AMERICAN VOTERS demand after the election."


Damn, as "bleeding heart liberals" we here at don't believe in CORPORAL PUNISHMENT, but this generation of glad-handing, take-no-stands, keep-your-big-donors-happy Democratic "leaders" are SO DIVORCED from everyday American life, that we certainly feel that it would do them ALL good to put on a pair of boxing gloves, maybe a head protector, and have them GET IN THE RING AND DUKE IT OUT until they get punched in the nose once or twice!

SELLING NOVELS on the eve of an election that determines whether Americans will HAVE SOCIAL SECURITY in the future, or just a big, black ENRON-esque accounting BLACK HOLE??

Going on TV to talk about "RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT" while NO ONE in America has ANY certainty that THE VOTES WILL BE COUNTED FAIRLY and ACCURATELY??!

SMILING for the cameras and writing petty-cash checks for the Lamont campaign, while JOE LIEBERMAN benefits from KARL ROVE's smear machine, and George Bush's CAMPAIGN DONORS??

Here it is just TWO WEEKS before the election, and we must SEARCH THE WEB for a COMPILATION of the Republican CROOKS, CONVICTS, and CORRUPT DONORS, many of whom have already BEEN CONVICTED in these past few years??



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