Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Repub groups to Spend FIFTY-MILLION on attack ads, last 3 weeks of campaign 2006....

Needless to say, not only are the DLC 'Democrats' ENTIRELY UNPREPARED to FIGHT BACK against the coming torrent of Republican NEGATIVE campaign ads, but there ARE STILL embedded deep in the Democrat Party, and especially those at the DLC, who AGREE IN FULL with the radical-right, neo-con agenda of those Republican groups pushing LYING ads on TV, radio, and in print.

****NEWSFLASH: the Latest Reports are that Rove intends to spend ONE_HUNDRED_MILLION_DOLLARS on ATTACK ADS these last 2 & 1/2 weeks of Campaign 2006. ******

Last night on Monday night football the Arizona cardinals lost a heartbreaking game to the undefeated Chicago Bears. What makes the Bear's victory doubly, triply amazing is that NOT ONE POINT WAS SCORED BY THEIR OFFENSE... EVERY POINT was scored by the Bear's defense or special teams!

The corrollary (flip side of the coin) is that the Arizona offense failed miserably, although their defense played spectacularly. In the last moments of the game, the Arizona offense got to within inches of getting a first down, but instead of "GOING FOR IT!" on 4th down, they tried to kick a fieldgoal. We here at MWUSA agree with some football commenators that field goals and points-after add nothing to the game of football, that football is a game of strength, dominance, and control (with of course heaping helpings of speed, cunning, and guile thrown in). As such, the game of football should be played until one side or the other gives up and allows a rushing or passing touchdown, ninny field goals be damned.

But we digress! WHEN Arizon failed to make their last first down attempt on their 3rd down try; and when they decided to go for a field goal instead of smashing the ball those last 6 inches, we had a bad feeling that we were going to see the humiliation of an entire team.

Hate to use the sports analogy, but sometimes "wining" is NOT everything! "Winning" comes only after you exercise your auhority and might and skill, whether it be on the playing field or those ultimate political polls we call "elections." IF you "win" by going for the easy, weasel way out, you prepare your team for losing later on, letting them know you have NO CONFIDENCE in their play when the chips are down, and will settle for a WEASEL VICTORY instead of a clear domination.

(With all apologies to the weasel family, apparently including wolverines, who are famous for not backing down, even against larger, more powerful adversaries.)


What $35 Million Of Bullshit Looks Like.
By James Boyce at HuffingtonPost
Oct. 17, 2006

What would you do with $35 million?
Well, if you're a nasty right wing 527 attack group, you exploit the death of almost 3,000 Americans including Todd Beamer who famously said according to 9/11 lore, "Let's roll."

You don't worry for a second about showcasing the jet crashing into the second tower at the World Trade Center, so what if the young child of someone who died there that day sees it?

After all, there's an election to win.
Then you continue to lie the BIG LIE about the Al Qaeda / Iraq link.

One of the reasons, tragically, that George Bush and Karl Rove are optimistic about November 7th is that Republican Front Groups are scheduled to spend in excess of $50,000,000 on attack ads influencing the election over the next 21 days - that's more than $2,000,000 a day on lies - and don't be naive, it just might work.

The Patriot Project has been fighting back, trying to expose these groups and how they operate.

But it's hard to be optimistic when $35 million is being thrown behind a single t.v. commercial - here it is, take a look.


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