Saturday, October 21, 2006

Michael J. Fox: Power-lusting Republicans "WANT TO CRIMINALIZE SCIENCE." Why can't DC Democrats state this obvious truth?

Michael Fox: Power-lusting Republicans "WANT TO CRIMINALIZE SCIENCE" including stem-cell research and the teaching of evolution in public schools, in order to court the votes of the theocratic religious right.

Why can't DLC Democrats and Dem Senate "leaders" state this obvious truth?

Oh yeah... the DC Dems are AFRAID of the Religious Right, and would rather sell ENTIRE CHUNKS OF American citizenry DOWN THE RIVER - Alzheimer patients and cancer patients who would benefit from stem cell research, disenfranchised minorities, females seeking reproductive health care, gay partners seeking legal rights in the event of a serious illness of one partner, EVEN IRAQ COMBAT VETERANS DENIED funding of the Muray amendment's $2.7 billion for veteran's care bill - than BAND TOGETHER and FIGHT BACK against Republican bullying and demagoging.

Michael J. Fox appears in stem-cell ad for Dem candidate
Published: Friday October 20, 2006

In a powerful new political ad, actor Michael J. Fox urges voters to elect U.S. Senate candidate Claire McCaskill for her support of stem-cell research.

Fox does not hide the clearly evident physical signs of his own case of Parkinson's disease in the brief ad, in which he says McCaskill, a Missouri Democrat, "shares my hope for cures."

The actor knocks incumbent Sen. Jim Talent for not supporting the research, saying that the Republican "even wanted to criminalize the science that gives us a chance for hope."

"What you do in Missouri matters to millions of Americans," Fox concludes. "Americans li


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