Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Bush BETRAYS America for political gain. Cowardly Democrats PRETEND not to notice.

(note: a quick scan of this post will reveal, that merely LISTING the Bush administration's FAILINGS and arrogance in regards to national security, is an almost book-length compilation. Yet in SIX years of the Bush administration, including 5 years since the 9-11 tragedy, the cowering Democrats have YET to STAND UP AND DEMAND COMPETENCE and an END TO CORRUPTION from the Bush admin.)

WHEN will the cowering Democrats STAND UP FOR America's security, and WHY aren't they criticizing the constant, consistent, and pathological Bush-Rove-Cheney BETRAYALS of national security all the way through the end of this summer season (a critical election mid-term season at that) 2006?

Let's give the cowering Democrats a FREE PASS for complicity in the PROMOTION of Condoleeza Rice from National Security Advisor to Secretary of State... even though the nation's greatest National Security FAILURE since Pearl Harbor occured because the lying Ms. Rice maintained that "No one could anticipate that terrorists would hijack airliners and turn them into flying bombs."

The Italian Police anticipated EXACTLY that contingency at the G8 economic summit in Genoa, Italy just two months before 9-11, when in September the Italian authorities stationed surface-to-air missiles around that city to deter exactly that threat of a hijacked airliner used as a flying bomb.
Here's CNN's take on the security crisis atmosphere at Genoa in JULY of 2001...

Here's the UK Guardian's more detailed report

Here's a money-quote from Jrnyquist.com
<< Ironically, Russia, a frequent culprit in state-sponsored terrorism, sent an anti-terrorist team to Genoa, as it feared Chechen terrorists might attempt a hit on President Putin. And the CIA station chief in Italy warned the Italian secret services that al-Qaida, Osama bin Laden’s terrorist group, might be planning a suicide attack on the summit. Italy took security precautions seriously and placed Spada surface-to-air missiles at strategic locations around Genoa IN THE EVENT OF A TERRORIST AIR ATTACK. >>

And, here's Buzzflash's excellent compilation of those and more such stories at
Note the date on this compilation: MAY 16, 2002.

The point behind this digression into Genoa's G8 heightened (trip-wire) security preparations in July 2001 is to contrast Italy's preparations and concerns with Condoleeza Rice's awful, atrocious LACK of preparation, attention, concern, and common sense (much less executive command and decisiveness) as National Security Advisor, an abject FAILURE the Democrats ROLLED OVER FOR when President Bush (and co-president Dick Cheney) selected Rice to be the nation's Secretary of State.

Again, we can almost forgive the Democrats for this rollover (lack of filibuster in the Senate confirmation process) - not only does the senate generally defer to the president on such appointments (except when Republicans such as Jesse Helms execute a "pocket veto" of a Democrat president's nominations, as Helms did with William Weld, Clinton's REPUBLICAN nominee to be Ambassador to Mexico. Weld was at the time the sitting, duly elected GOVERNOR of the Great State of Massachusetts. Yet Rethuglican moralizer and demogague Sen. Jesse Helms saw fit to VETO (pocket veto - Helms, as Committee Chair of the Sen. Foreign Affairs committee, refused to allow the Weld nomination to even come up for discussion in his committee) and OF COURSE the COWARDLY DEMOCRATS REFUSED to make a fight of it.

There it is, we have the essence of COWARDLY DEMOCRATS: Rethuglican Senators can VETO ANY DAMN NOMINEE they please, even a duly elected Republican governor!, while cowering Democrats can't even veto or filibuster someone GROSSLY INCOMPETENT AT THEIR EXISTING JOB.

But, as we said, we will give the Dems a "Free Pass" for confirming (not opposing with sufficient vigor) the Rice nomination to Sec. State. Rice was a Black female nominee, and clearly the Democrats didn't have NEARLY the political skills or willpower to oppose the Republican Party's token minority nomination to such a powerful position. And we do mean "token." Ms. Rice is infamous for going shopping as African-American citizens of New Orleans were drowning, under blue skies, two and three days after Hurricane Katrina had side-swipped that city, while FEMA Director Michael Brown was complaining about the service at 5-star restaurants in Baton Rouge. Just as Ms. Rice is infamous for flying around in completely useless circles as Israeli jets pounded Lebanon's non-Shiite suburbs (Druze, Sunni, Christian, etc.) of Beirut into ashes, dust, broken bodies, and stinking corpses.

No, we'll give the Dems a "FREE PASS" for not actively objecting to the Rice nomination.

That still leaves the Bush administration's LIES TO WAR (including the on-it's-face RIDICULOUS depiction of "Iraqi mobile bio-weapons lab" - an ARTIST's DRAWING of a bus sized lab!; the Bush administration's abject FAILURE to capture the Anthrax attacker (how many billions of dollars does it take to recreate the steps of the anthrax terrorist's mail box drops?); the Bush administration's abject INCOMPETENCE at letting Iraqi ammunition dumps be looted by insurgents and common criminals; the timing of all twenty US terror alerts since 9-11 falling within two or three days of bad news for the Bush admin. or good media coverage of the Democrats, as for example the day after Senator Kerry selected Senator Edwards to be his runing mate.

ON EACH AND EVERY ONE OF THESE ISSUEs or incidents VITAL TO AMERICA's NATIONAL SECURITY, the cowering, cowardly Democrats act as if INCOMPETENCE and FRAUD are ACCEPTABLE means of providing security for this nation.

Here a Scoop, New Zealand compilation of the suspicious timing of US terror alerts following bad news for the Bush administration -

And here is MSNBC's Countdown's video compilation of the same timeline
(WMP and Quicktime downloads at

And of course here's the ultimate indictment of cowering Democrat COMPLICITY with George W. Bush's national security FAILINGS and gross incompetence, "The 9-11 Commission Final Report: 'D' and 'F' FAILING GRADES for post-9/11 security improvements, official government summary report,


And the Washington Post's summary review of same:
"US is Given Failing Grades by 9-11 Panel"

White House Authorized Leaks on Brit Raid That Compromise National Security
Submitted by BuzzFlash on Mon, 08/21/2006 - 4:20am. Editorials
A Buzzflash Editorial

Okay, BuzzFlash is going to "catapult" some more truth here.

If the Busheviks are so concerned about national security, why are the British intelligence agencies furious that the White House is leaking information that compromises efforts to stop terrorists?

If the Busheviks are so concerned about beating terrorists who Bush says hate us for our liberties and freedom, why is Bush working so aggressively to curtail our liberties and freedoms? Isn't that accomplishing what the terrorists seek as a goal, according to Bush's own words?

If the Busheviks are so concerned about terrorism, why did they abandon the battle against bin-Laden -- despite Bush's vow to catch him dead or alive -- and start a war in a nation state that posed no immediate or imminent terrorist threat to the United States?

If the Busheviks are so concerned about plots such as the alleged ludicrous "terrorist cell" that was allegedly planning to flood lower Manhattan by blowing up a Hudson River tunnel (which could not -- as BuzzFlash was the first media outlet to point out -- cause Wall Street to become flooded due to the laws of gravity), why is Bush ruining our economy for the terrorists by spending hundreds of billions of dollars destroying Iraq and bankrupting our nation? Isn't Bush accomplishing the goal of al-Qaeda to economicaly destroy America? Bush is doing their work for them.

If the Busheviks are so concerened about reducing the number of terrorists, why is it creating more terrorists in Iraq and Lebanon through its alienation of the Muslim population by killing so many civilians and being the cause of the commencement of a civil war in Iraq that is creating terrorists by the minute?

If the Busheviks are so concerned about reducing the number of terrorists, why is it spending hundreds of billions of dollars on destroying nations and killing people rather than spending hundreds of billions of dollars on improving the lives of people and building infrastructure in the nations it is destroying?

If the Busheviks are so concerned about reducing the number of terrorists who make money off of the drug trade, why is Afghanistan having a record-breaking year for harvesting opium, the raw ingredient for heroin?

If the Busheviks are so concerned about reducing the number of terrorists, why are the Taliban making a ferocious comeback in Afghanistan?

BuzzFlash could go on and on. The betrayal of America's national security by the Bush Administration is broad and deep.

The Bush "war on terrorism" is a domestic propaganda campaign for political purposes to achieve unprecedented, anti-Constitutional dictatorial powers. It doesn't exist in reality, except as a failed effort to unilaterally assert the vision of the "Masters of the Universe" in the White House -- and grab as much oil as possible.

It is a "war on terrorism" that only increases terrorism and makes our nation less secure.

Through skillful propaganda, the Busheviks play America for a nation of suckers, while they accomplish the goals of the terrorists for them.

A Buzzflash editorial...

See also Larry Beinhart’s commentary in BuzzFlash, "Republicans are Bad on National Security." Beinhart is author of "Wag the Dog.”


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