Election year 2006, Cowardly Democrats SHY AWAY from GROSS IGNORANCE and BULLYING of the radical-right and their neo-con allies....

Sen. Jim Inhofe
He is on record as saying that manmade global warming is ‘‘the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people."
To understand what has happened to the Democrat Party, you simply must understand that the *neo-con* wing of the Democratic Party is now 100% allied with the boorish, insufferable, ignorant, tyrannical, mouth-breathing Radical Right. The sort of people who look at David Koresh and don't see a young-girl raping tyrant and demagogue who worshipped guns (and, thereby, the DEATH that guns cause), but as a "freedom to bear arms" martyr and red-blooded American.
Isn't it the least bit curious how some leadership and political groups can come out, not only for the criminalization of abortion, but even for the criminalization and SUPPRESSION of - birth control education; the morning-after-pill; a sneering scorn for the principle of separation of church and state; a practically Roman embrace of torture and executions; and even an attempt by the Radical Right to criminalize (OUTLAW, PROHIBIT) the teaching of EVOLUTION in public schools?
DOESN'T ANYONE in America wonder how it is that the Radical Right can not only push such absurdities (and, in the case of abortion and reproductive rights, tinge their agenda with a heavy threat of violence and intimidation) - but that, AT EACH AND EVERY NEW CASE, the COWERING DEMOCRATS and PRESSTITUTE MEDIA always finds new ways to BACK DOWN and AVOID CONFRONTATION with those radical right distortions and intimidations?
Well, there are many factors playing into the above, including a huge one, the complete subjugation of the CORPORATE MEDIA to the corporate economic agenda (massive media conglomerations bordering on monopolies, which in turn push huge corporate and high-income TAX CUTS; massive military defense spending; constant hype for war on terror; a corporate reluctance to confront the crimes and follies of the Bush administration; etc. etc. etc. ad infinitum)
But, sad to say, there is another factor that is even more important as to why the lunatic talking points of the Radical Right are now so prominent in America's political and 'news' discourse.
That MAIN FACTOR in America's quiescent response to Radical Right absurdities and political monstrosities is that the NEO-CON wing of the Democratic Party is now SO CLOSELY ALLIED with the BushCo agenda, that neo-con Democrats constantly, continually, and relentlessly SUBVERT the message of the Democratic agenda.
Thus it is that former President Bill Clinton, on behalf of his wife Hillary, is out there stumping for neo-con hawk Senator Joe Lieberman, while neither Hillary nor her husband can waste an ounce of breath trying to publicize DEMOCRATIC ISSUES such as, oh, maybe, STOLEN ELECTIONS, the DIEBOLDIZATION ("privatization" aka "the planter lord owns everything as far as his eye can see") of AMERICA'S voting process; the treatment of US combat veterans as expendable serfs; or the treatment of US taxpayer's taxes and the US treasury as a kickback, bribery, and SLUSH FUND kitty for George W. Bush, Halliburton, and the Republican Party.
Or how about the institution of TORTURE in Dick Cheney'/George W. Bush's revitalized JOSEPH STALIN "disappeared" GULAG?
Or how about the KANGAROO TRIALS for PRIVATES, peacetime civilian National Guard VOLUNTEERS Lynddie England and Sabrina Samson? OK, maybe we are being a little SEXIST here at C-dems.blgspt.com.... you know, we think that American women, the fairer sex, SHOULD BE PROTECTED from THE GROSS ABUSES of the US military and high command? That maybe if England and Sampson WERE PUT IN A SITUATION where they would later be accused of "ABUSING" prisoners... that MAYBE SOME OF THEIR SUPERIOR OFFICERS should be held RESPONSIBLE? (And, no, we are not talking about the non-commissioned officers bearing the batons and smug grins as they force ****-smeared prisoners to walk naked down the prison hallway... we are talking THE OFFICERS who are SUPPOSED TO BE RESPONSIBLE for the men and women under their commands.)
Or how about Jim Inhofe, the most pasty-faced ignoramus Rethuglican big-oil SENATOR of them all, who has now declared that those who are concerned about GLOBAL WARMING are using the "BIG LIE" techniques of the "Third Reich", i.e. Nazi Germany.
As commenter yaneluh writes (5th comment on above Inhofe-third-reich webpage)
The short answer to this question is "when the neo-cons and big-biz Democrats in the Democratic Party, and major/corporate media, started aligning with the RADICAL RIGHT WING agenda." Specifically in the "Get Clinton!" era of the 1990's; when trashing Bill Clinton (even on entirely made-up 'scandals' such as "Travelgate!" and "Lincoln Bedroom!" and "White House trashing!") become both fun and profitable, and when Congressional and Senate Democrats couldn't or wouldn't speak out in defense of the Clinton White House. Since the end of the Clinton admin. the Republican Radical Right merely beefed up their Karl Rove SMEAR SQUADS, and they have used slim majorities, stolen elections, voter and economic disenfranchisement, and above all, political INTIMIDATION and the "War on Terra!" to "dumb-down" the discourse in America.
Which reminds us: speaking of a nation of "BLITHERING IDIOTS," has anyone noticed how STUPID some of our commercials are? This process, of course, has been going on for ages, with slapstick comedians being popular movie fare from the earliest days of "moving pictures" a century ago. But if the 1980s and '90s saw a plethora of "stupid macho guy beer commercials" that were popular, we recently saw a TV advertisement that takes the cake for sheer stupidity. At a football stadium "tailgate party," a guy and his friends are grilling burgers on a charcoal grill. The guy spills a drop of steak sauce on the grill.... and with an audience looking on, sticks his tongue on the hot grill to get that drop of steak sauce! Viewers don't see the moment of contact, but the next shot opens on our fearless hero sitting on the back of an ambulance, tongue bandaged up, declaring to his friends (in a tongue-bandaged mumble) "It was worth it!"
Wow! The new ideal of America, as personified in our TV ads, is big-gutted beer-swilling idiots who live only to attend football games and stick their tongues on red-hot charcoal grills.
The pride and glory of America once was being the first nation to put a man on the moon, an object so remote we can only gaze in awe. The orbital calculations for inserting a spaceship into lunar orbit presuppose Newtonian mechanics that indicate other stars and galaxies are thousands, or even millions, of light-years away from our solar system.
Yet Mr. Inhofe and his merry band of Radical Right-Wing Rethuglicans are happy to try to sell the nation the notion that THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE is NO MORE THAN 6,000 YEARS OLD, because that is what they claim the Bible says, and they claim the bible is an indisputable source of universal truth. (The many contradictions within the Bible notwithstanding.)
We are APPALLED that a state that suffered the terrorist bombing of Radical Right Wing reactionary TERRORIST Timmy McVeigh, would give us an equally Radical Right-Wing senator in Mr. James Inhofe.
AND WE ARE APPALLED that, SIX YEARS into a new millennium, a full 35 years after an American astronaut first stepped on the moon, our Democratic Party has NO ANSWER, NO RESPONSE, NO CONFRONTATION to the APPEAL TO IGNORANCE, INSULARITY, INTIMIDATION, and plain old bullying THUGGERY of such right-wing "leaders" as Mr. Inhofe.
Just in, to confirm that we here at C-dems.blgspt.com are usually "on target," a report that ANN COULTER is once again reprising her role as "joking terrorist" against the New York Times. In this case, according to reporter Jacob Bernstein, Coulter 'jokingly' sent him an e-mail stating:
<< "Memo Pad" sent an e-mail to Coulter's AOL account and according to Bernstein, received a reply claiming that she was the sender of the mysterious powder.
. "'So glad to hear that The New York Times got my letter and that your friend at the Times thinks I'm funny,' she wrote back. 'Good luck in journalism and please send me your home address so we can stay in touch, too. >>
It is hard to discern which is the worse sin, crime, or folly here: #1.) that Ann Coulter thinks she has a right to "joke" about sending Anthrax letters in a nation that spends BILLION$ for the "war on terror" and where postal workers and one journalist have already died from such deadly terrorist letters; #2. that Coulter can so brazenly try to reinforce the canard that the New York Times "AIDED THE ENEMY" by publishing a report that didn't even tell the American public anything 'new' about massive, illegal government spying on American bank accounts (i.e. the Bush administration's wholesale copying all of the S.W.I.F.T financial cooperative's massive financial transaction databanks); or, #3. that FIVE YEARS after Democratic Senators Patrick Leahy and Tom Daschle WERE TARGETTED by deadly Anthrax terrorist letters, THE COWARDLY Democrats STILL have NO RESPONSE, NO RESPONSE, NO RESPONSE, NO RESPONSE, to Ann Coulter's implied (or stated!) terroristic threats.
Heat wave has senator sticking to beliefs
By JIM MYERS World Washington Bureau
Sen. Jim Inhofe
He is on record as saying that manmade global warming is ‘‘the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people."
WASHINGTON -- First came the Al Gore movie, and then there was the Tom Brokaw television documentary.
Now, a heat wave with triple-digit temperatures is gripping much of the nation.
Is U.S. Sen. Jim Inhofe, who believes that manmade global warming is "the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people," losing the public relations battle on that issue?
The Oklahoma Republican and chairman of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee concedes that those on the other side of the global warming debate have dominated the air waves lately, but he remains confident that his side will be proved right in the end.
Indeed, Inhofe insists that he feels even stronger about taking on what he sees as the current hysteria about global warming than he did several years ago when he first uttered that now-famous hoax statement.
In an interview, he heaped criticism on what he saw as the strategy used by those on the other side of the debate and offered a historical comparison.
"It kind of reminds . . . I could use the Third Reich, the big lie," Inhofe said.
"You say something over and over and over and over again, and people will believe it, and that's their strategy."
As for anyone trying to use the current heat wave to bolster the case, he said even those on the other side of the debate concede that no one should link a single weather event to climate change.
"A hot summer has nothing to do with global warming," Inhofe said. "Let's keep in mind it was just three weeks ago that people were saying, 'Wait a minute; it is unusually cool."'
He blames the media for handing over an unfair amount of air time and coverage to the side that pushes the claim that links man to climate change.
"I have asked several of them," Inhofe said: 'Name one time when an hour has been given to the other side of the issue.' "
While declining to watch either the Gore movie or the Brokaw documentary, the senator said he armed himself with the statements used in both.
"I know the text, and I know they are using old stuff that has been totally discredited," Inhofe said. "Everything on which they based their story, in terms of the facts, has been refuted scientifically."
He offered his point-by-point response to both.
They include such claims as that polar bear populations are shrinking along with their food supplies, and the glaciers in Glacier National Park are disappearing.
Inhofe insists that the number of polar bears is not dropping and that some of the glaciers in the national park are actually getting bigger.
As for the Kilimanjaro glacier, which reportedly is disappearing, Inhofe said the loss can be blamed on the cutting of trees, which once held the moisture.
"One by one, you can refute everything they are saying," Inhofe said.
He includes in that claim the warnings by some that the planet is closing in on a tipping point or a point of no return when it comes to climate change.
Inhofe recalls the warnings a few decades ago that another ice age was coming.
He dismisses even the suggestions that Americans could help by giving up big cars or using more energy-efficient light bulbs.
"It is not going to make any difference," the senator said.
"But if it makes them feel good, they can do it."
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