Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Bush THE MOST DISASTROUS president in US history, his administration marked by SCORN, IGNORANCE, CONTEMPT, DEMAGOGUERY, CRUELTY, and INCOMPETENCE...

Bush is THE MOST DISASTROUS president in US history, his terms marked by SCORN, CONTEMPT, DERISION, INCOMPETENCE, IGNORANCE, CORRUPTION, LIES. Mr. Bush's signature way of dealing with critical national problems is marked by scorn for those who have spent entire lifetimes in the service of America in their respective professions, whether National Security, law enforcement, and intelligence professionals warning about the strong possibility of an Al Qaida attack against America in the summer of 2001; or Mr. Bush's ABJECT FAILURE to PREPOSITION thousands of disaster recovery personel as Hurricane Katrina swirled in the Gulf of Mexico; or Mr. Bush allowing Osama bin Laden to ESCAPE at Tora Bora; and of course Mr. Bush and his team having SUCH A LOUSY PLAN for the post-invasion phase of the US war in Iraq that US commanders had American troops doing KP duty less than 20 miles from Saddam's huge Al Qaaqa ammunition complex, as looters and insurgents backed trucks up to the abandoned bunkers to remove high explosives and ammunition day after day for almost two full weeks - the whole while, International weapon's inspectors desperately trying, in both Washington and Iraq, to get the US command to secure the facility.

EVERY DAY that Mr. Bush remains in office, and that his policies remain UNCONFRONTED and UNOPPOSED by the American press, media, public, and political leadership (Congress), marks another day of IGNORANCE, STUPIDITY, and COWARDICE on the part of America's leadership, whether in the Democratic Party or Republican Party.

While it is difficult to improve on Mr. Budowsky's article, we will try to do so by inserting [words] or phrases that add some zip to his observations:


American Deaths In Iraq Surpass American Deaths On 9-11 and President Bush Wants To Escalate Again
by Brent Budowsky
Submitted by BuzzFlash
Tue, 12/26/2006

The decision by President Bush to launch a preemptive invasion of Iraq was the biggest military misjudgment in the history of the American Presidency.

The decision by President Bush to show contempt for his commanders in not using enough troops was the single most catastrophic military decision by any commander in chief in the history of the Republic.

The decision by President Bush to not supply our troops with adequate body armor, protected vehicles, bandages and helmets and other essential equipment led to more preventable casualties among our troops than any other President in the history of the Republic.

The decision by President Bush to justify the use of torture and try to cover it up, was the single most morally mistaken [REPREHENSIBLE] action by any leader of the free world.

The decision by President Bush to put partisan Republican operatives in key positions of the Iraq Reconstruction was the most incompetent [and CORRUPT] action in the history of the American programs.

The decision by President Bush to allow more than $10 billion of Iraq Reconstruction money to be stolen, lost, robbed, and wasted made this financially the single most corrupted program in the history of American Presidents.
[Given that the BOTCHED RECONSTRUCTION of Iraq was THE STRAW that turned the Iraqi people against the US occupation and FUELED THE INSURGENCY, Bush's legacy of CORRUPTION in Iraq contracts DIRECTLY LED TO THE BLOOD SPILLED of American troops in that country.]

The decision by President Bush to surround this war with unprecedented claims of unilateral presidential power to overrule or ignore laws, statutes, provisions of the Constitution and Bill of Rights was the single worst abuse of the idea of faithfully executing the law in the history of the American presidency.
[As a Texas hard-Right neoConfederate, Mr. Bush lusted after the the wartime powers of President Lincoln in the Civil War, without any of Lincoln's appreciation for rights and freedoms.]

The decisions by President Bush from the beginning of this war to this day, have done more preventable damage to the structure, readiness, deterrence and stability of the American military than any previous president in American history.

The decision of President Bush to treat Congress as a virtual vassal and not a co-equal branch of government in the conduct of this war was one of the most constitutionally disastrous decisions in the history of wartime Presidents.

The decision of President Bush to use this war as a partisan political attack strategy did more damage than every other American president combined in corrupting both the integrity of our democratic process, and the national unity, that previous presidents have sought to maintain, and this President deliberately sought to destroy.

He calls himself the Decider, as though he sits on a regal perch, above the rest of our people, our laws, our Constitution, our Bill of Rights, our allies, our Congress, our Courts and our commanders who he has disrespected more than any previous President in the history of the presidency.

He organizes his Party TO ATTACK WAR HEROES because they warned against his policies, to demean generals because they warned against his war plan, to attack our NATO allies who were demeaned as Old Europe, even to blame the American people suggesting we are traumatized by the result of his catastrophe.

The President's decision to be the only American President since 1948 not to lead a genuine search for Middle East peace was catastrophic and allowed the Iraq conflagration to spread further and further across the entire region.

Middle East peace is a hard mission, but the decision of President Bush to refuse to even make the effort, has allowed the arc of chaos and death to widen without any American effort to appeal to the aspirations of the generation of young people in the Middle East and around the world.

The contempt for different opinion, the torture policies that led to Abu Ghraib and detention policies that led to Guantanamo, the arrogance of power and ignorance of foreign culture, the corruption of Reconstruction, the defamation of political opponents, the monarchical claim of unilateral power, these wrongs and more have led to the creation of more terrorists, more insurgents, more antagonism towards America than any other President in our history.

And now the President, having looked at the landscape of this disaster, has decided: keep doing the same things, only do more of them, and escalate. In his world our allies are wrong; our people are wrong; our Joints Chiefs of Staff are wrong; our elections were wrong; the Baker Hamilton bipartisan group was wrong; everyone is wrong except those who have been so wrong for four deadly years of this war.

It is imperative for the Democratic Congress to remember that the voters voted for wholesale change in our policy towards Iraq; they did not vote to escalate this war and repeat these mistakes.

It is imperative for Democratic candidates for President and leaders in Congress to emerge who will return American to our traditional role of leadership and renew the hard search for a broader peace in the Middle East. Why not begin today by calling on former Presidents George Herbert Walker Bush and Bill Clinton to spearhead a truly American seach for Middle East peace?

It is imperative to know how deadly things have gone wrong, and how urgently we must change to set things right.

More Americans have now died in Iraq, than on 9-11.

This is not a policy we want to double up.

This is a policy we want to end.


On top of all the above (!), we do not believe that Mr. Bush won EITHER of his presidential election "wins", either in 2000 or in 2004, where he was able to "win" in Florida and Ohio, respectively, ONLY BY MASSIVE VOTER SUPPRESSION EFFORTS and possibly (probably) RIGGED voting tabulators. Given his suspicious electoral "wins" Mr. Bush was asking millions of American voters who certainly voted for his opponent - Al Gore won the popular vote by over 500,000 votes in 2000, and even by Republican counts John Kerry won almost 48 million votes in 2004 - to TRUST and NOT verify his election "wins" - WHICH IN BOTH ELECTIONS HE PROCEEDED TO TREAT AS LANDSLIDE "MANDATES"!!!!

As if tossing MILLIONS of us Americans who voted against him on the trash heap of "the DISAPPEARED" - their voices DO NOT COUNT!" in Republican policy formulations - Mr. Bush then showed his COMPLETE and ABJECT SCORN for the office he had just stolen, going on a FOUR WEEK VACATION in August of 2001 just some thirty-odd weeks after stealing that election!

As if THAT wasn't bad enough!, Mr. Bush then NEGLECTED HIS DUTIES AS COMMANDER IN CHIEF. Early in January of 2001, shortly after being inauguerated, Mr. Bush and Mr. Cheney directed a full-house effort to SMEAR the legacy of the Democratic White House staffers of the Clinton-Gore administration (with MADE-UP and FABRICATED charges of "WHITE HOUSE TRASHING!" - WITHOUT ONE PHOTOGRAPH OF PROOF!); and as well Bush instructed his PR staff to detail how he GOT HIS CIA BRIEFINGS IN PERSON, DAILY, while that dastardly President Clinton only got his CIA briefings on paper, every other day.

Yet we now know that when INFORMED BY his CIA briefers that "BIN LADEN WAS DETERMINED TO ATTACK IN AMERICA," most likely by hijacking vulnerable US airliners, Mr. Bush did... EXACTLY NOTHING. Michael Moore is derided for putting too much of himself - his own "spin" - in the documentary movie "Farenheit 9-11," but Moore's scenes of what President Bush did on THE_VERY_DAY that the CIA briefed him on Al Qaida's desire to attack in America have never been refuted: Mr. Bush, INSTEAD OF ALERTING THE PUBLIC and AIRLINES ABOUT THE THREAT OF HIJACKINGS, instead discussed his dog Barney chasing armadillos.


- A complete SCORN and CONTEMPT for the office of the presidency, and specifically the office of the commander in chief, after he stole the election in 2000.....

- a PREFERENCE for SUMMER VACATIONS over protecting the American public from a KNOWN TERROR THREAT.

- a COMPLETE FAILURE of the US multi-billion dollar law enforcement/national security/military/intelligence agencies to BRING THE ANTHRAX TERRORIST TO JUSTICE. (In the entire world, there are only so many people with the training and expertise to handle weaponized anthrax, and they ALL have long academic and research records behind them)

- the FAILURE to capture Bin Laden in Afghanistan, which was only a symptom of the administration's dismal post-war planning for that country....

- which foreshadowed the DISMAL PLANNING for the occupation of Iraq, including (we couldn't even make this up!) ALLOWING INSURGENTS to cart of TONS and TONS of ammunition from Saddam's massive ammunition bunkers, WHILE AMERICAN SOLDIERS DID KP DUTY, as INTERNATIONAL WEAPONS INSPECTORS in Iraq and in the United States desperately called the Defense Department to try to have the Al Qaaqa ammunition complex secured....

- leading up to the TORTURE prisons and SCAPEGOATING of PRIVATES and FEMALE VOLUNTEERS for FOLLOWING ORDERS, specifically "THE GUANTANAMO METHOD" of dehumanizing prisoners with stressful positions, sexual assaults, sleep deprivations, beatings, threats, and other tortures, the "Guantanamo methods" SPECIFICALLY BROUGHT TO Iraq and Afghanistan by the PROMOTION of General Miller from Guantanamo to oversee those prisons in the Mideast.

- and, finally, the corrupt, botched occupation of Iraq, which gave even families that hoped for a successful American led occupation to turn against the occupiers.


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