Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Cowardly Democrats: The list of Betrayals, Sept-Oct 2006.....

Well, the last two months of election season 2006 are upon us, and as C-dems.blgspt.com predicted wa-ay back in March, the Democrats are in full-on "RETREAT, SURRENDER, GIVE UP THE SHIP WITHOUT A FIGHT" cowering mode.

Oh sure, the American public is sick of the travesty foisted upon America that is the George W. Bush-Dick Cheney Repuglican one-party dictatorial rule of the US government, and maybe voters will turn out in significant numbers enough to toss the Bush-supporting bums out of Congress. (IF the Deibold 'privatized' "Hack-n-Fixed-R-us" vote returns even allow votes for Democrats to register - moreon that later in this post.)

And therein lies the rub. When one says "Bush-supporting bums", you almost have to include THE ENTIRE US Senate, including the erstwhile "liberal" portion thereoff, nominally referred to as "the Democratic" wing of the US Senate.

BUT LOOK! Just eight weeks out from the election, WHERE exactly do the Senate Democrats DISAGREE with the Bush-Rove-Cheney administration??


As much time as we spend reading for- and writing this blog, WE CAN'T TELL YOU EXACTLY WHERE THE COWERING, pathetic, enabling Democrats STAND.... ON ANYTHING!

Are they FOR or AGAINST credit companies EXTORTING American consumers with userious (that's bible talk for "extortionate") loan rates?
Are they for or against SNATCHING prescription drugs purchased by seniors in Canada at discount prices from those seniors on their way back across the US border, Uncle Sam acting as the MONOPOLY ENFORCER of US big-pharmecuetical thugs?
Are they, the Senate 'Democrats', FOR or AGAINST leaving Iraq War veterans TWISTING IN THE WIND, cheap pawns in Karl Rove/Dick Cheney/Don Rumsfeld/George W. Bush's incompetence and sheer greed? (The cowardly Democrats WON'T EVEN MAKE a major campaign issue of the CAN'T LOOSE issue, the Senator Murray (D-WA) senate bill to fund $2.7 billion for veteran's care and rehabilitation. In through-the-looking-glass America in 2006, "Support the Troops" is a casual LIE of which the Bush Repuglicans, press/media, AND Democrats ARE ALL PARTIES to.)

Are they, the cowering Senate Democrats and Democrat Party 'leadership', FOR or AGAINST Bush-Rumsfeld-Cheney's corrupt and incompetent leadership of the war?

Well, HELL, you're going to have to research EACH and EVERY damn Democratic Senator's public record and statements to find out.. and even then, you really wouldn't know for sure!

One thing IS for SURE: there are PLENTY of JOE LIEBERMAN/ZELL MILLER "Democrats" PERFECTLY WILLING TO SELL OUT THE ENTIRE SHIP of State of America, and Democratic Party, to the Rove-Bush-Cheney thugs to make a significant portion of the "Democrat" Party BUSH-ENABLERS, if not outright BUSH RETHUGLICANS in sheep's clothing, such as Zell Miller and Joe Lieberman now are. (Recently, it has been disclosed that Republicans are donating millions of dollars to the lying, treacherous Lieberman campaign, Joe Lieberman being the man who only six years ago ACCEPTED THE DEMOCRATIC NOMINATION to be the party's VICE PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE.

And even those Democrats who DO, sort of, STAND UP against BushCo, always seem to pull a Kerry/Gore/Edwards/Hillary/Biden, MUMBLING and MUFFLING their "opposition" so much, that it sounds like they are polishing Bush's apples in an unstated sort of way.


"If Mr. Bush's campaigns say that he is a 'STRAIGHT SHOOTER' and 'an honest guy,' WHO ARE WE TO POINT OUT THAT he jumped the line to get into the Texas Air National Guard's 'champagne unit' during the Vietnam War, 'won' his lieutenant's bars without going to Officer Canidate school [about the only military personel to ever win officer's commission without OCS are those non-commissioned officers who receive battlefield commissions, usually those outstanding NCOs who survive in the line of fire who have picked up where their KIA and disabled officers left off... a situation that most certainly did not apply to the young George W. Bush]; then Lt. Bush REFUSED to take a routine Air Force flight physical examine as ordered after he had received hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of jet fighter pilot training at Uncle Sam's expense; and then when his superior officers were forced (because of Bush Sr's powerful presence in Texas politics) to ship the young Lt. Bush to Alabama to avoid a major disciplinary action scandal, the young Lt. Bush REFUSED to show up for that assignment as well. Mr. Bush was AWOL from his Alabama ANG assignment, as ordered during time of war, AND NOT ONE BUSH SUPPORTER anywhere can find ANYONE at that Alabama ANG unit who DID see Mr. Bush report for duty there."

No, HELL NO, the COWARDLY DEMOCRATs do NOT see it as their opportunity or even duty or obligation to INFORM AMERICAN VOTERS about the SHAKY "character" qualifications of George W. Bush. The fact that Vice President Al Gore could not or would not press the case that Mr. Bush had less than stellar "character" qualifications WAS A MAJOR, glaring shortcoming of Mr. Gore's own qualifications to be a national leader - seeking the office of President of these United States Mr. Gore was certainly NOT qualified to be, IF "protecting American voters from distortions and false propaganda" was a qualification for the job.

Since then, Democrats have seemed to use the Gore-Lieberman TEMPLATE FOR FAILURE as the Alpha and Omega of EVERY Democratic campaign since, from John Kerry sitting there like a box of rocks as President Bush sneered into national TV cameras "MY OPPONENT IS A FLIP-FLOPPER!" to trial lawyer John Edwards giving Vice President Dick Cheney a FREE PASS for CONTINUING TO BE COMPENSATED BY HALLIBURTON Co. as Mr. Cheney DIRECTS BILLIONS and BILLIONS and BILLIONS in federal no-bid, no-audit, NO OVERSIGHT CONTRACTS to that very same corporation. (Today's Al Franken Air America radio show, citing a book or two on the subject of the US occupation of Iraq, explained that Halliburton's KBR subsidiary so BOTCHED the production of water to inject into Iraqi oil wells as per million dollar contracts, as to possibly RUIN the future of production of those Iraqi oil fields for decades to come.)

IN 2002 JOE LIEBERMAN as chair of the Senate Governmental Affiars Committee, oversaw the Democrat's Senate ENRON investigation.. whereupon Mr. LIeberman SHORT-SHEETED that investigation completely, handing Karl Rove and the Bush-Rethuglican Party a HUGE Christmas gift, the TURNOVER of the Democratic Senate majority to a RETHUGLICAN MAJORITY, Senators Lieberman and Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle having SQUANDERED the GIFT of senate leadership they had BEEN HANDED by Senator Jefford's courageous 'DEFECTION' from the Republican Party. Senator Jeffords explained that he had taken the huge step of disassociating himself from the party he had belonged to for life because of the the DICTATORIAL nature of the Bush administration, on issue entirely unrelated to national security and counter-terrorism, after the 9-11 terrorist attacks that the Bush White House had done ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to prevent.

Just writing about the Cowardly Democrats FAILINGS, FAILURES, and COWERING from the Bush-Rove-Cheney agenda is an exercise in sheer clinical depression, so herewith, we jump straight to the LIST, "DEMOCRAT BETRAYALS 2006."

#1. Lies to War: Democrats can not find a consensus on the OBVIOUS subtext of election 2006: the sheer, defined-by-their-own-conflicting-statements INCOMPETENCE of the Bush administration on running the war, and the SHEER, IN-YOUR-FACE CORRUPTION of that war's management.

#2. TORTURE - not only did the Bush admin. CREATE the conditions for TORTURE in Iraq... not only did the military, under guidance from the civilians of the Bush-Rumsfeld Department of War, ISSUE DIGITAL CAMERAS to prison guards and NCO's to DOCUMENT 'the ABUSE' of Iraqi prisoners under US control, but the Bush-Rumsfeld administration, when confronted with WORLDWIDE RELEASE of those disgraceful and sadistic photos, PROMPTLY RAN KANGAROO COURTS to CONVICT low-level female privates and NCO's of "abuse" - WHILE BUSH-RUMSFELD-CHENEY PROMOTED the TORTURE GENERALS.

Right there - the Democrats COWERING REFUSAL to CALL the Bush-Rove-Cheney-Rumsfeld admin. on KANGAROO COURTS for FEMALE PRIVATES FOLLOWING ORDERS... is a monstrous historical damnation of the cowering Democrat's complicity with Republican crimes and deceptions.

#3. Al Qaaqa: Not only did Secretary of war Rumsfeld PUBLICLY HUMILIATE the Army's highest ranking officer, the Chief of Staff of the US Army General Eric Shinseki (the only military uniformed officer of higher rank is the Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, who might not be in the Army), but, following the US occupation of Baghdad, the US miliary high command issued orders to troops in the field to "STAND DOWN" and not do ANYTHING except guard the Iraq Ministry of Oil. At this time not only did looters loot, plunder, and vandalize Baghdad's centuries-old cultural history museums (which falls under the designation of "war crimes" according to international law), but the US military saw fit to order US army men and NCO's to perform KP duty.... AS IRAQI INSURGENTS EMPTIED OUT ENTIRE ARSENALS of munitions and high explosives from Saddam's ammunition bunker complexes. One Iraq war veteran, as quoted by an American author on the scene, has written that at that time Iraqis would gladly have done the KP duty for the price of potable drinking water and table scraps, the Iraqi economy having ground to a standstill under the US invasion, but US officers, under orders from high command, would not permit such economical use of US military personel (to stand guard over weapons caches and ammunition bunkers) or Iraqi civilians.
The Democrats SHOULD HAVE GONE TO THE MAT to DEFEND General Shinseki, ALONE. FAILURE to do so was a BETRAYAL of ALL men in uniform to the dictatorial demigod, Don Rumsfeld. FAILURE TO HOLD Secretary Rumsfeld ACCOUNTABLE for the LOOTING OF Al Qaaqa and other Iraqi ammunition complexes was A MASSIVE BETRAYAL of HISTORICAL PROPORTIOINS - even for a Democrat Party out of the majority. (If ever America needed an "opposition party" it is regarding Secretary Rumsfeld's incompetent leadership of the Iraq war and US occupation of that land invaded without a declaration of war.)

#4. Iraq reconstruction contracts: MASSIVE FRAUD, BILLIONS missing, Mercenaries with SS powers of life-and-death over civilians accountable to NO ONE; Negroponte's enabling of Shiite DEATH SQUADS..... the list of issues where Democrats hand American sons, fathers, mothers, and daughters in uniform to the Bush-Rumsfeld-Cheney Iraq hell-hole sure as hell defies even enumeration in this single blog entry.

Here's a damning, 10-point indictment of Donal Rumsfeld's 'leadership' of the Iraq invasion and occupation, a list that includes some of the points we have just listed, and others we have not. Needless to say - THIS LIST IS FROM AN INDEPENDENT BLOGGER, no way in hell it came from a Democratic Senator's office, much less from an official (or even quasi-official) Democratic Party site:

<< And what a great target Rumsfeld is. No only as a surrogate for Cheney, his apparent patron, but for the likudnik policy fools he had around him and, most of all, for the CRIMINALLY INCOMPETENT manner in which the U.S. conducted the war and subsequent occupation. >>


Needless to say, IF Secretary Rusmfeld IS "criminally incompetent" (and he most certainly is, on these and 1,000 other points) then the DEMOCRATS THEMSELVES are CRIMINALLY NEGLIGENT for NOT raising a hugh, cry, and fuss about it!



#5. Bush, Chertoff, Michael Brown, and VIce President Cheney **AWOL** as the LOWEST RECORDED PRESSURE (i.e. strongest hurricane updraft) in recorded history for the Atlantic basin swirled in the Gulf of Mexico, with landfall as a monster catagory 4 or 5 storm on the vulnerable Gulf Coast of the US *guaranteed* within a few days of Katrina setting those barometric pressure records.

#6. After Katrina made landfall and passed through, Bush, Cheney, Chertoff, and Brown CONTINUED to be **AWOL**, Bush strumming guitar and eating John McCain's birthday cake as American citizens stuck in New Orleans DROWNED while FEMA was... NO WHERE TO BE FOUND. America's major network news trucks WERE ABLE TO DRIVE RIGHT UP TO THE SuperdomeConvention Center (which was in service as a massive storm shelter during Katrina and the aftermath), BUT THE UNITED STATES COULD NOT, or WOULD NOT, provide DRINKING WATER TO THE STRANDED Katrina refugees.

Again... the ABJECT FAILURE of the cowering Democrat "OPPOSITION PARTY" to CALL OUT the Administration on THIS FAILURE, ALONE, is a massive shortcoming of historic proportions.

(we'll be back with more, of what is shaping up to be a 100 item list at the very least....)


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